About Eurocontrol Technics Group Inc.
Eurocontrol through its three wholly owned subsidiaries, Xenemetrix, XwinSys and Croptimal, is a leading test and measurement technology and application innovator for key growth markets – energy security (fuel marking), ED-XRF equipment, wafer inspection and metrology equipment and precision agriculture that combined have potential markets of over US$15 billion annually. The Company also has an agreement with SICPA of Switzerland for earn-out payments of 5% (minimum $9 million) on revenues generated from fuel marking by its former subsidiary Global Fluids International.
Xenemetrix is an award winning designer, manufacturer and marketer of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (ED-XRF) spectroscopic material analysis systems for a wide range of industries with over 1,000 systems installed worldwide. ED-XRF is the underlying technology of XwinSys’s and Croptimal’s state of the art technology applications -- Onyx, a patented world class metrology technology developed by XwinSys with cooperation from global semiconductor manufacturers to measure thin and ultra-thin films and Croptimal, a mobile ED-XRF laboratory application that provides for automatic preparation of samples of soil, water and critical parts of crops offering the grower collection, preparation, analysis and submission of results in minutes compared to the current 10 day test cycle.