
PhotoSat is a team of geophysicists and associated geoscientists specializing in the computer processing of highly accurate elevation data from stereo satellite photos. These detailed elevation maps are used for the identification, evaluation, and monitoring of natural resources and the planning and design of resource development projects and their related facilities and infrastructure. Our goal is to provide satellite photos and derived highly accurate elevation and other datasets that enable decision makers in the resource industries to make better decisions in less time. Our principal clients are mining, oil and gas, engineering, forestry and environmental companies and government agencies.

PhotoSat's highly accurate stereo satellite elevation data processing methods are developed at PhotoSat and are fine tuned for our clients' specific requirements. These stereo satellite elevation data processing methods are derived from and modeled on seismic data processing methods. Seismic processing is the most mature of field of geophysical data processing. Since the early 1960's billions of dollars have been spent processing seismic data for oil and gas exploration, resulting in the development of robust processing methods and a technical culture focused on the extraction of signals in the presence of noise. Whenever possible, our system developers and processors apply the lessons learned by the seismic processors to our stereo satellite elevation mapping challenges.

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